The Foodbank relies on donations of suitable products from generous-minded people. Items such as those on the list below are the staples of the Foodbank, so anything you can contribute, however little or much, is welcome.
You can also donate fresh fruit and vegetables directly to the Foodbank Monday - Wednesday 10am until noon.
- Baby food
- Baby formula
- Baked beans
- Biscuits – Sweet or savoury
- Cereals
- Custard
- Eggs
- Fruit juice and squash
- Instant coffee
- Jam, marmalade, honey etc
- Lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans dry or tinned
- Milk – Semi-skimmed, long life
- Pasta & pasta sauce
- Peanut butter, marmite etc
- Rice & noodles
- Rice pudding
- Soup – Cans and instant
- Sugar
- Tea bags
- Tinned fruit
- Tinned macaroni cheese
- Tinned meat
- Tinned spaghetti
- Tinned tomatoes
- Tinned tuna
- Tinned vegetables
Household and personal hygiene items include:
- Deodorant
- Nappies
- Shampoo
- Shaving gel
- Shower gel
- Soap - Liquid or bar
- Toilet roll
- Toothpaste
- Washing powder
- Washing up liquid